new single

cordelia hanford foster
would you like your ginger ale
too early yet for bed
be still my dear lie light here with your feet above your head
i can tuck the blanket round you
i ignore the cost
of having the one you most love be the source of your exhaust
sundown is a solitary space
your grapes are not lined in their place
you puzzle still over a single piece
you pace the place on shuffling feet
dancing silly
singing Danny
doing little joys
silent at the dinner table
head all full of noise
i know it’s hard to say you’re scared of what’s not in your head
we started pills
but now we reel
we feel we’ve been misled
you like your ginger ale
too early yet for bed
be still my dear lie light here with your feet above your head
i can tuck the blanket round you
i ignore the cost
of having the one you most love be the source of your exhaust
sundown is a solitary space
your grapes are not lined in their place
you wore your keys to tell the time
you only cycle now inside
dancing silly
singing Danny
doing little joys
silent at the dinner table
head all full of noise
i know it’s hard to say you’re scared of what’s not in your head
and say no more
to focus on life’s quality instead
your ginger ale
too early yet for bed
be still my dear lie light here with your feet above your head
i can tuck the blanket round you
i ignore the cost
of having the one you most love be the source of your exhaust
sundown is a solitary space
your grapes are not lined in their place
my fading light
you softly saying
your hands are so soft
it’s just amazing
dancing silly
singing Danny
doing little joys
silent at the dinner table
head all full of noise
3 4 2
dancing silly
singing Danny
doing little joys
so silent at the dinner table
head all full of noise
i know it’s hard to say you’re scared of what’s not in your head
i fear my dear
that soon you will forever go unsaid
do you want your ginger ale
or do you need to fly
down right here a pillow dear your feet up in the sky
i will tuck the blanket round you
i ignore the cost
of having the one you most love
be the one you’re scared you’ve lost
© cordelia hanford foster
for my beloved
Granna and Poppa
written, performed and produced by
cordelia hanford foster
mixed by Jamie Candiloro
engineered by Mike Post
mastered by Calbi/Fallone